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Strategy and action points

In striving its goals, Saba makes CSR a core ingredient of its management: CSR reduces risks, improves your competitiveness, allows you stand out and win the trust of stakeholders and society in general, based on a greater ability to manage the intangible assets that add value to the company. The corporation is fully aware that the best results are closelly linked to the best business practices and that moving towards a sustainable and socially responsible competitiveness is a challenge of excellence for the best companies.

In the same regard, Saba treats sustainability as an inherent feature of decision-making underpinned by internal management processes, at the same level of factors such as project cost-benefit analysis financing costs, business strategy and information technology among others.

In 2014 Saba continued to work for the implementation and dissemination throughout its structure of the commitments arising from its Code of Ethics, noteworthy among which is the effort to ensure adequate coordination with all countries where it operates. This action is part of the company desire to involve the entire organisation in implementing best business practices.

It is its determination to achieve transparency and liability that drives Saba to seek differentiation compared to other companies in the sector, by implementing solutions that enable interaction with customers and meeting their needs directly and effectively.

In 2014, the company stepped up its efforts to identify best business practices in terms of energy efficiency, with the introduction of efficie LED lighting, improved ventilation systems, a dynamic management system and occupancy control, which helps lower emissions, and a commitment to reduce our carbon footprint, with the explicit goal of getting zero CO2 emissions. In this regard, Saba kept reducing the impact of its daily activities on the environment, obtaining a 13% cut in its carbon footprint over the last three years (comparable basis).

Regarding the energy efficiency, Saba culminated 2014 b implementing LED lightning in Spain and has begun its deployment in Portugal and Italy reaching nearly 60 car parks, reducing CO2 emissions by 2,000 tons per year and achieving savings in lighting consumption of between 50 to 60%. In two years Saba has replaced Regarding the energy efficiency, Saba culminated 2014 b implementing LED lightning in Spain and has begun its deployment in Portugal and Italy reaching nearly 60 car parks, reducing CO2 emissions by 2,000 tons per year and achieving savings in lighting consumption of between 50 to 60%. In two years Saba has replaced 24,000 conventional lightning points for LED technology.

After reaching stability in electricity consumption through its commitment to efficient lighting and taking into consideration the changing rates in Spain in the last two years, the company is discussing a scenario of cost reduction by adjusting contracted power, achieving, therefore, a 25% reduction.

An essential aspect of Saba’s activity is one that welcomes the proposals on sustainable mobility and innovation. Saba has also added specificsolutions to its approach to management concepts of mobility in city centres, such as the implementation of the VIA T parking access and payment system. In 2014, 4.4 million VIA T transactions were registered in over 40 car parks.

Saba will continue on carrying out this business strategy, based on a culture of customer service and desire to meet the expectations of its shareholders and the community in general by daily exercising an attitude that balances requirements, accountability and honesty with suppliers in a sincere engagement with the institutions of the countries in which it operates and, generally, in a generous effort to be active in the progress of society.